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0 comments | Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i was sooo proud of myself a while back!

How many times do you know the answer to a million peso-worth question? tell, me.'cause i'm no genius. but when Kris Aquino asked Luke Mijares " What's the most visited museum in the world?"

while he stammered: Smithsonian Instute..
I screeched: particularly the National Air and Space Musuem!!! *hopping wildly around the house while yakking that it has around 11 million or so visitors each year....[neeeerd!]*

whoooohoo!! haha, doesn't matter if I didn't actutally won it but the feeling of knowing the answer to a million-worth qeustion and pondering over the possibility of the question being addressed to me is nauseating. hehe-he *stoned grin*

There are soo many places i wanna go to before I die. Lots of them. but my top 5 would be:
1. the whole of Smithsonian Institution.
2. the Louvre.
3. the Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve.
4. Any of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Europe (Except Poland and Germany)
5. af kors, Japan

but feh! i don't think i'll be able to visit any of it. :P for now, i'm pretty much satisfied just reading about them. meap, meap.


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