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0 comments | Saturday, January 22, 2005

From last night...

xsle84 : i'm going crazy...
xsle84 : i'm so giddy these past few days and i dunno why...
xsle84 : (sigh)
peeunderthesea : /:)are you on drugs
xsle84 : which means i'm bound to be depressed soon....
xsle84 : =))
xsle84 : i think...i'm bipolar
xsle84 : :D
peeunderthesea : nah you're probly just hypochondriac for mental disorders
peeunderthesea : gah ako pala yun

well, I woke up today...with a heavy feeling and i thought i was being a hypochondriac but it wasn't until lunch i would know why...
Catherine, who was supposed to start her chemo today...lost her consiousness.
Doctors are giving up on her...

I wish she wouldn't.


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