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0 comments | Saturday, January 15, 2005

Bwehehe. I should do this from time to time. Bargain shopping. Of course with my mom. My cool bargain huntress/shopping partner. Kulit!
I dragged her to the mall today telling her she should buy clothes for her trip to HK,(the weather there by the end of this month would be really chilly.) shyempre hindi pwedeng hindi ako humirit. (* from somewhere: HIRIT Queen!)
Our first stop was in Surplus Shop. Got me new tank tops and cropped denim jacket. wheee! They're soooo cheap ^^; Cheap finds makes me happy. I wanted to rid my fitted shirts and jeans. My tush is is so bulky! And I hate my chest...wish they were a bit flat.(Ohohohohoh)
Then on Freeway, which becoming more like a FRUiTSy Shop, we found a uber cool wool jacket. Got mom that and a denim blazer. Bwehehehe. I also rummaged through the "discount rack" and picked a pink halter. Near the counter, I found those knee-high rainbow socks I've been seeing on KERA and FRUiTs. They were really nice. If only people here were more open to japanese streetwear. heeeh. or even to the more tame Thai casual get-up. Boy(s) Jeans, Cargo Khakis or shorts, colorful loose shirts.
The hunt wouldn't be over without stopping the Factory Sale Outlet. We got a vivid green/yellow stripped polo v-neck and pink/black stripped top. The two was unbelievably cheap. yeah, hooray for cheap finds!!!

Mah, then mom and I treated ourselves with kimchi soups and beef rice bowls at Yoshinoya. I miss Yoshinoya. Everytime the family would eat out, it's always the guys who gets to choose where to eat. Mom and I are into those healthy food stuff (less cal, low cholesterol etc.) and Japanese cuisines are healthy stuff. ^_^

Anyway, today was a fun day. I'm glad that after a long while, mom and i were able spend the day alone together again. ^_^


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