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0 comments | Tuesday, December 14, 2004

fading scene of Kang Tae Young and Han Ki Joo by the river in Sienne...

Me: Oookay! Done! Sweet good good ending.
Mom: Wait, i think there's more.
Me: Um, actually it's better if we skip this part...
Mom: What are you talking about? Get out of the way!
Me: But--
Kelvin: Move!
Me: Ok, ok, fine! *mutters*

Last part begins...and ends...

Mom: What? What was that?
Kelvin: That sucks!
Mom: So it wasn't true?
Kelvin: That sucks!
Me: *whistles*
Mom: Oh! Maybe...it was just her screenplay...
Kelvin: Maybe she had a twin! That sucks!
Me:*laughs* See, i told ya! You shouldn't have watched it!
Mom: Yes, it was her screenplay!
Me: Noooo, the real couple is on the front cover of the papers. And she recognized them!
Kelvin: That can't be! It was all in her mind? Sucks...
Me: Oh shut up. Weren't you watching? The papers! I think that was cool. Writers poking fun on the conventional story line. hehehe
Mom: And i cried for nothing!
Me: Ok maybe...it just answers to Tae Young's wonder in Sienne...you know, like if she hadn't been a housemaid in Paris and Ki Joo didn't accidentally hit Yang Mi's cigarette booth...their paths would've still crossed no matter what the circumstance is...i think that's what they're trying to say.
Mom: I hate being confused.
Kelvin: It ruins the ideal impression.That still sucks.
Me: *sigh* well that should teach you a lesson to listen to me! And I still think it was fun.

! Mah Frooooogle !


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