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1 comments | Thursday, December 02, 2004

The name of the rose
Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a
mystery novel dealing with theology, especially
with catholic vs liberal issues. You search
wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that
learning is essential in life.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by

on why i got it? i've no idea. I've never even heard of this Umberto dude.

On a much serious note...
PAGASA raised the storm signal to 2. Classes on all levels in manila have been cancelled. Parts of north Luzon and eastern Visayas on high alert. Latest satellite feed image showed (or in this not showed)...a fully cloud-covered archipelago. imagine a beautiful oil paint rendition of southeast asia only somebody deliberately used a paint thinner on the spot where the philippines should be.

Forecasters described "Yoyong" as "the big one" with winds up to 150 kilometers
per hour near the center and gustiness of up to 185 kilometers per hour.
of 4 a.m. the storm's center was located 960 kilometers east of Guiuan, Eastern
Samar, and was moving west northwest at 35 kilometers per hour.
It is
expected to reach 340 km northeast of Guiuan, Eastern Samar by Thursday morning,
80 km northeast of Infanta, Quezon, by Friday morning and 280 km west northwest
of Dagupan City by Saturday.

quoted from: ABS-CBNNEWS

2:36 pm:
we are scared for our families in Isabela and Samar. The typhoon is headed Northwest North. Latest I heard was a total/partial blackout in the Samar region and by tonight or friday morning Isabela may have a storm signal of 4.
we couldn't contact either parties.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am umberto eco: name of the rose myself. the guy is amazingly *insane* ( i mean this in an adoring way). heard much of him from zafra's books. read his supposedly best book. not necessarily entertaining but a truly challenging read. full of symbolisms, playful use of language, allusions, one of the finest i must say. the book is on film, by the way.

-juani :)

Sunday, February 27, 2005 10:54:00 am


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