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0 comments | Tuesday, November 23, 2004

i love this semester.

my funds (which were more than enough) to buy my pen went to Maxine's medication and check up. She hasn't eaten for days. she's been vomitting since sunday...all bony and weak i couldn't stare at her for long. I hate it everytime i force feed her...she's struggling with every energy that's left in her...and i know she's in pain. the vet said her vital signs and blood samples were ok but she's giving antibiotics anyway. she didn't tell what was wrong with Maxine. I strongly suspect it's gastrointestinal infection...
I gave her Ampicillin solutions last night and this morning. she just simply rejects the drug. she'd vomit it later on. I was wishing so badly that i'd already taken up NCM200s...then i'd probably have the guts to give an IM/ IV.
i thought of alternatives just so she won't be dehydrated...she seems to be taking the hydrides well(using medicine dropper) and this morning i've applied palatable dietary supplements ate jen recommended...i hope that would encourage her to eat. If she goes on like this...she'll have to be on intravenous theraphy. for now, i can only hope she'll be fine.

Ped Xing = pedestrian crossing. thanks kelvin.


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