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1 comments | Thursday, November 11, 2004

Been rearranging a bunch of stuff on my shelves when I had noticed this dusty wooden case pushed back on the corner. It's my letterbox!

I couldn't believe I almost forgot about it. I read all the notes and "conversations" (my buddies version of chat done the handwritten way) and letters--most of it from highschool days.
It was fun going through all of it.
i couldn't show all of them as much as i'd like to (for Ree's amusement) but instead i just picked three among those funny and crazy notes i've recieved.

*back in 3rd year, first quarter, i flunked my physics class, then i studied like madman to recover. My classmates had their own interpretation of my sudden enthusiasm on the subject: they thought i like our physics teacher (Sir Roggie). so they teased me relentlessly in front of him despite my building

i couldn't remember when we did this convy thing with our "N" classmates a.k.a. 'the outcasts'...ganda ng punchline ni Tinay gahaha

ah... i remember this one clearly--siena hall. symposium. CAT officer...*ahem* confiscated ID. hehehehehe. *winks* a joke that no one gets eh?

(sigh) nostalgia attacks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

eeek!how did you get that?

Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:08:00 pm


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