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0 comments | Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Procrastination..must have no place this week. Seriously, I'm about to face some serious cramming.

Need to finish subject loading by tommorrow morning. Meaning I have to be up before sunrise, arrive at school at 6am, then secure a place in the accounting list, request a copy of billing and dodge the pack of late-enrollees before 9am. Because at 10am we have to make last-minute shopping for the trip. And I have still no idea what to buy, which is crazy considering there's only a denim and a couple of cotton shirts on my luggage!

Oh yeah, maxine's food's running low. Gotta take care of that too. Her appetite grows by the week..it's uncrontrollable!And, make arrangements for Dan and Dianne...for Thursday's exhibit.

Giline. augh. I almost forgot. MUST see her tommorrow evening. We still haven't finished the last paragraphs of chapter 6. But before that Ate Ana at 5:30..

It's amazing sometimes when you badly wish there's something to do 'cause you're fed up doing nothing and then suddenly you just find yourself so occupied you think the bustle will never end.

I. need. more. TIME.


PS:I such a dork but I finally knew what XOX means: Hugs and Kisses! Kyehehehe.


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