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0 comments | Sunday, November 14, 2004

A stroll at Boardwalk in the wee hours of the morning could've been a nice a experience.just minus the overpopulated aerobic squads...the stench of the squalid coastline...malicious-looking lurkers..you get the picture. funny how the seafront almost perfectly reflects my state of mind. dark. cold. solid. but i wasn't there to give in to its murmurings.

my people skills are getting a bit rusty. i think holding my tracts conspiciously caused potential listeners to flee. but i didn't went home disappointed. i've talked sensibly to two young girls. Loressa (with her overfed pup) and Len-Len. I hope they got what my message is and wasn't forced to stick around because I'm older than they are. Few people nowadays still adhere on virtue of respect.

and today i think i made a new friend.Twinkle and I have been just a "hi-and-hello" to each other until today. She's chirpy and relaxing to talk to. Kinda cool as well. She taught me a few of sign language since I told her I only attended three meetings on the course. Now i got 7 handy signs to make use of if ever Ate Jubee and I will push through with our plan to visit the Sign Congregation :)

I caught Xandy online today. Fun. Thanks for introducing Postal Service. Recommend more!

Maxine is having a Roach Feast. Ugh! And she'll have to stay in the kitchen tonight.


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