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0 comments | Tuesday, November 30, 2004

my legs are screaming in pain.
taking advantage on the holiday yesterday, i started my field work on 6am and got home around 5pm.
walking outdoors on a fierce stormy day...i like :) yeah heeeeh very very
and will do it again sometime. on a clearer space and elevated place.
even though it might mean "thunder thighs and calves".

me is not satisfied with ze template.
i'm still trying to find a dress fer mah jurrnal.
and as i was browsing through ready-made templates,
i can't help get all excited with all those uber-kawaii anime themes
i must..mustn't d-draw animes 'nemore...
aug. aug. self control, kris, self control.
looking at the tempting candy colors...(huhhuh)

Fred had been hanging out with us these past days.
He tells me a funny encounter last sunday.

Fred: *to little girl* hi there. what's your name?
Little Girl: N-na-Nathalie
Fred: *takes a pen* will you spell it out for me?
Nathalie: N-I-K-A

Fred:*smiles* I see. Okay. Thanks. So how old are you?
Nika: Kinnerngarden
Fred: Ok, nice meeting you.

He also wanna see my works.
Hah! Like i'm gonna show it to anybody....
Like they're even worth calling 'works'.

My brother screams like a girl.
" Heeyahhiiiieyaa!" while shooing a roach.
this he does too when watching horror flicks.

my mom caught me laughing all by myself last night.
and it really freaks them out whenever i do this.
but this time instead of the usual shake-your-head-cause-your-daughter-has-a-hopeless-mental-state, she wanted to find out what brought me into hysteria.
I was reading Shrek's transcript and i was on the part where Donkey overenthusiastically volunteers to join Shrek's journey to DuLoc and Shrek was all "Anyone at all? Anyone?".
She grabbed the script and decided to read the whole thing herself. O_o
And i was trying to get it back today but she said she hadn't even started yet.
Okaaaay. What's up with with that?
i miss my dad. the winter brought his youth back.


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