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0 comments | Friday, December 10, 2004

I've been acing my quizzes and demonstrations since monday! Aaah, i knew the climate has something to do with this *face-splitting grin* i love this time of the year. the sun doesn't pierce your skin and the cool breeze is so welcoming. clouds are higher. sky is bluer. Morning walks are getting more pleasant. I am making use of my cardigans!! heeh. i love waking up.

My sweet sweet sister, Michelle, gave me a sketch. And though she didn't like to draw as much, last sunday she handed a portrait sketch of me. She'd probably taken note on how much i like art and drawing and sketching and how much i was yakking about it many weeks ago. And here i was thinking no one was really listens at me. i just known that she didn't like to draw much ( she even whispered not to show the sketch to anybody). although it wasn't the most impressive work (coming from a 12-year-old) the gesture almost moved me to tears. and she even took detail on my siamese kitty clamp!
waaaah. T_T so out of spontaneity, i've given her my favorite pin. my silverchain-dangling-with-pink-gingham-flower pin! and i happen to really, really, really like that pin.

but i wasn't personal enough. so i gave her a portrait sketch too. Ate Nymphz said she likes anime lots. so against my resolution to not draw anime i made an exemption for this case. i hoped she like it ( i told her not to open the envelope til she gets home )

if most people find poetry special,
i think sketches are the sweetest gifts.

Of course, this particular entry wouldn't be complete without kvetching my Philosophy class. We're still on Descartes. Ah, and i thought Mr. Ademe was planning to convert our thinkings to those of Machiavelli and Nietchze. We are now told to reflect on the passages of Discourse on Method of Descartes' Essais Philosophiques.

i hate philosophy of man. forever and ever.

What is the origin of human philosophies?
I like the way Reasoning Book answered it:
They come from people who have limitations. Humans by nature have limitations. Additionally, their experience in life is relatively brief and is usually confined to one culture or one environment. The knowledge they possess is thus restricted, and everything is interconnected to such an extent that they constantly find aspects that they had not adequately considered. Any philosophy that they originate will reflect these limitations. Because of such imperfection, human philosophies often reflect a basic selfishness that leads perhaps to momentary pleasure but also to frustration and much unhappiness. There are philosophies that encourage people to disobey God’s wholesome and upright requirements. No wonder that, as history testifies, human philosophies and schemes have often brought grief to large segments of humankind. ( And I couldn't agree more! Just take a look at Kant's Moral Philosophy, Epicureanism, Utilitarianism, Stoiscisms and Aristotle's theory of slavery!)

*pants* ok that was enough ranting.

To-"read" wish list for next year:
1. How to Travel with a Salmon and other essays by Umberto Eco (excerpt here)
2. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
3. Selected Poems of Walt Whitman
4. Good Grief by Lolly Winston
5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon

phfft. Since the quizilla result (few posts back) my curiosity compelled me to search for Umberto Eco's The Name of Rose but seems the book isn't available here.Hwehwe. But his How to Travel with A Salmon and other essays was an ingeneous fun fun read. They said it wasn't the usual Eco work. funniest book i've read in a long while (well i just happen to read very few parts of it) . yeah, i've read the 'How to eat ice-cream' part' and 'How Not to Use the Cellular Phone' but from what i've already read my favorite was...here it goes... "How to Use Suspension Points"...!!! bwahahahahaha! That essay was hilarious :D i'd recommend the book for the witty and for those who think they're witty. i would've bought it right away but i haven't got enough moolah at that time. But i'd buy it for sure on my next visit to the bookstore. :D heeeh


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