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0 comments | Sunday, December 19, 2004

Michelle can read tagalog clearly now. I was so proud of her comment a while ago. Kuya Romy would soon be enrolling her in TMS. And she'll be my responsibility after Ate Nympha leaves. Yay! I promised to treat her this coming thursday--we'll either have pizza or ice cream. ( she haven't decided yet ) but i wish she chooses ice-cream. please choose ice-cream..please choose ice-cream..Chocolate Chip Mint or Tutti Frutti or any of the Arce selections. heeeeh yumminess. ^____^ aaaah i can't wait on thursday! We'll be watching her video field trip to Avilon. Maaaaah i've been begging poeple here at home to go to Aviloooon. It's the biggest zoo in here (i think) and they showcase a good wide variety of animals. It was featured on the TV way back and i ogled at the numerous birds confined there. I'm a bird-wuver too...waaaah the birds there aren't kept inside the cages...so people are allowed to feed and touch them!(with assistance, of course) I sooo wanted to pet pretty owls again(hehe my first was in Manila Zoo and back then i had to sneak behind the watcher, it's startling yet fun when they slowly turn their heads 180 degrees without blinking) and play with the parrots! watching flamingos would be cool too! and Michelle was telling me that if i ever go there make sure i do not to miss the bird show. Wuhuhuhu...bird showwws!

Hmmm...we went to Agnes' a while ago for a study. She enrolled in my school just this semester. And the first thing she asks me,"Do you know 'Willy B'?" And I was like "uh-huh" then she couldn't stop talking about the creep. I was itching to ask " Have a crush on him or something?" but keeping up with what she's saying is draining enough, i don't want her to get all super excited. blech. yuckkk. What's so special about him anyways (hindi naman gwapo, papasin pa) I'd rather talk about the cadavers in the anatomy lab. our cadavers have grayish yellow skin (probably because of all that formalin) and are kept in tanks. The male had been castrated and frequently been exposed (with all that incisions) for lab demonstrations. We didn't tinker on it if you're wondering, thank goodness for that. We just had to watch our proffessor mess around with it.

On a serious note...
Fred is looking a bit down in the morning and i just found out now that his aunt, Ate Fel, had been diagnosed of colon cancer. SO that's why she looked like she lost weight all of a sudden. It's definitely cancer, according to Michelle's mom and Fred's but on what stage...that is yet to be confirmed tommorrow. Everyone wants to offer their help. So far money matters are handled well. What they really need at the moment are people to keep a watch on her in the hospital (which happened to be my school too) since everyone in their family has to work extra hard to be able to support her medical needs in the long run. If ever arrangements for RPs are made, Ate Sarah and I are willing to take turns. I hope it turns out well for her.

With so many illnesses out there i think it would be really rare for someone to die of old age, almost everyone will have to die due to a medical complication. And with cancers, once you have it and eventually gotten rid of it there's the 90% chance of recurrence. Cancer patients hardly ever break away from their condition. There's an extension of 10 years to colon cancer survivors. And those who are diagnosed late and in the last stages have an 8% chance of survival. Sad facts, i know. Sometimes I wish I didn't know that much about health and sickness. I'm scared that knowing too much would make me cold...


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