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| Saturday, January 01, 2005

I havn't been updating. >_<
Lots of stuff to take care of. OK, just one major thing that i have to focus on.But phrrrft,I wasn't able to reach my minimum hour-quota,( even with all that morning strolls ) and that had put me in a depressing mood.I know I have to make adjustments on my time. And be constantly reminded that my life isn't mine anymore. KRIS, YOUR LIFE ISN'T YOURS ANYMORE.Stop entertaining distractions and giving in to your "weak spots". there.hah. Must super-glue that into my head.( So don't be surprised if I do a sudden vanishing act )

Of course, easier said than done. But just because it's difficult doesn't mean it can't be done.

I also need to exercise on saying NO.

I tried to back out for my art lessons...because, well, i judge it would be categorized under the word "distraction". But when Ate Lea asked me if I was sure this coming Saturday, I simply couldn't say NO. It's amazing.I don't know what's wrong with me. Maybe because the other force was at work too...( art = weak spot )

Whatever. 2 months is a short while. I should get more serious on planning life after college. Two years will give me a reasonable time to prepare. I'm giving myself three options:
1. Learn Japanese language, get a proficiency exam (sureway to get a visa) and be a nurse within the Okinawa region.
2. Serve as a missionary volunteer in Thailand.
3. This is unlikely since I plan to stay single but if permitted, I'd like to serve in the Watchtower.
lol. look at me getting all concerned with my future! sigh. and why not? after two decades lolling around, i think it's about time I grow up. It's nice to have plans, i think it helps to give you motivation. And even if none of it will be realized, I'll look back on this and be glad that I made an effort to direct my life in a useful way.