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0 comments | Tuesday, January 11, 2005

* got a surprise call from Lindsay O_o she wanted me to go to UP's "fair". I told her I can't promise anything.
* imma chopsticks master! bwahahaha
* caught ofie online! hahahaha. how long has it been since the last time we talked?
* I was on "one-of-these-days" mode today. bwehehehe. Hershey called my attention 17 times. She even offered to treat me merienda. kyehe.
* I wanna adopt a stray kitty but Maxine is pretty scared of cats. She doesn't think she's one. lol.
* Favorite artist as of now : Sakura / Milchstrasse / Eisenkleid
* currently addicted to Milk Tea ( Nai Cha )

[ doodle during my HC lec. 'tis was in done on tissue paper ^_^; it came out with soft and fuzzy lines but the scanner didn't captured it well] the sleeping guy on the top is my favorite. He reminds me so much of Manjusa.


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