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0 comments | Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Three times. It is kinda pathetic but there were only three instances in my whole young adult life that a guy took note of my existence.

First - on a swimming trip, some guy went up to me and tried to engage me in a conversation then at the end asked my number ( like I'd go on a trip just to give out my number to starngers!)

Second - another one asked my number again after seeing me play the guitar. And I was kinda speechless at first 'cause he was uber-cute. ( But I doubt he noticed me because of me..i think it was because of the guitar ^_^;)

Third - this happened back in Bangkok. I went to an internet cafe and the guy sitting beside me tried to get friendly but i wasn't showing much interest ( he's not that bad-looking, but i didn't wanna waste my online time )some time later, he signed out and said goodbye. I was about to pay my bill at the counter when the person at the desk told me that the guy had already paid for my online time.( yeah, I was bad. I felt so guilty afterwards.I tried to look for him to thank him but he was gone.)

The fourth time happened today.


Oh well, unusual attention from a guy is unusual indeed for me.

BTW, I bumped into Sir Rollon on my way to school. He was with his son (who's strikingly looks like his father except for the baldhead). They were so cute together!! Bwahahahaha.After I said my hello he gave his signature smirk. bwahahaha.I can't help but laugh.^_^! Sir Rollon hadn't changed that much.


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