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0 comments | Monday, February 14, 2005

digging up old sketches a while back and looky what i found! waaah koenma-sama!! mou~kawaaii *glomps* awww, this is just one of some gift doodles Ree gave to me ^_^. i noticed she already used the "line shadings" that Mr. De Guzman just taught me. i wonder why sometimes she thinks her drawing skills aren't that good enough. *ponders* this one's already cool to me. hey, she's the only girl that i personally know who can definitely draw.

hmm..some bunch of losers have hacked my PC. they won't let me in on Messenger, MY SHEEZYART!(nnnoooooooo!) and they even tried to change my blog template. psssshhhwww. tell me, why can't some people get a life?


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