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0 comments | Saturday, February 05, 2005

mon mere et pere came back home today.i got jelly 'cause they were all bragging their trip to Ocean Park *pouts*

Kris: You guys are bad. We kids(eherm, yes i am still at heart) are the ones who should go to places like that.
Mom: *ponders* But we never traveled when we were young. Our kind of fun back then was riding carabaos and chasing hens.
Pap: fun? didn't know what that was until i got here in the city.
Kris: *mumbles* you guys...i didn't ask for a guiltrip you know..

Rwahahaha. Pap gots me an adorrable keychain. Made me go 'awww'

Wierdest was i completely ignored all the chocolates they bought. (Mmmm, yesterday I skipped all my meals and was feeling super sick and nauseous. I tried raisins 'cause i was thinking maybe my tummy can handle a couple and it wouldn't make me puke.)I thought i was gonna be raving ravenous today but my appetite was still feeble...but i made sure i eat something 'cause i was getting very weak. haha

Ooh i went to see what milk drinks mom has brought.
These are the ickiest. Like whoever drink these stuff?

carrot and ginger!?

But yay! She's got soya milk ^_^!! yum yum goodness. Uh-huh
I gobbled up three of these in a row

Lol. If anyone needs a confidence booster, peeps of I.F. are happy to do it anytime. Haha

My brothers' mp3 player is neat-o. They were complaining about the storage space being small. Hey, a hundred-plus playlist is enough to me. If they're gonna continue to whine I'm going to ask pap to give the player to me instead. *evil big sister, i know* I can do cartwheels and jumping jacks wearing it and still it'll play sweet smooth sounds. Mmm, maybe I SHOULD ask for it....


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