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0 comments | Tuesday, January 25, 2005

from Ken Wong's Best Of Passages Volume ii
I've been visiting Cat since sunday. She woke up. But half the time she's not herself. She would say the wierdest things, like ' We are on the elevator!' ' Stop throwing stones at me!'. It was funny yet it was definitely awful to see her go away. The cancer cells had metastasized on her brain. She can still answer to our questions correctly but maybe not for long. The day she woke up from pain, she had been cussing everyone. She went on and on like that and soon after she rested, she accused everyone of badmouthing her. The one who got the worst blow was her mother. Cat had blamed her for everything that has happened. " If you didn't allow me to get operated, I wouldn't be like this! It's all your fault! Your fault!" . I wanted to get mad at Cat but how can I? I mean, who can?" I felt so sorry for Tita. Everyone wanted to do something. But we all know this is beyond our power. All we can do is to make Cat as happy and pain-free as possible in the next 6-12 months.
I feel sick.


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