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0 comments | Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I wuv my cousins!! *face-splitting grin*
oh why are we so awaaaay from each other?*sniffles*

We had um, a mini family reunion last sunday.Yay! Leigh and our vietnamese-looking Juani were there. Haha. We had a great time hanging out. We talk..and talked...and talked...we ate..updated everyone..ate and talked. lol.
About...family and non-mainstream reads and sounds and flicks, and also gross food manufacturing (eeww), prospective career landing...SAMAR (my gally I've still yet to meet my batallion of cousins there--heeh, why i really hope we could all go there and learn surfing on december! it's a plan!) and whole lot more =))

wish we could do this again sometime soom, maybe after juani graduates? *hint hint*yes? hehe.

They were sharing their favorite books and music. And i can't help but feel so stunted at some point (lol) Gaah, it's just that it's sooo difficult to find people here who has the same interest.I just got the books, Leigh. Thanks a muchos! But the Digital Fortress(?) seemed "unfinished". er..yeah..it is. heeh.Thanks also Juani for for the Bitcom tip-off. Heeh, i'm already starting to download BY ALBUM! haha, dunno...when it'll exactly be finished.lol

Mmmm, i wanted to buy the Einstein's Dream a while back but eh, they were out of stock(?) hahaha,i was thinking that even if it is expensive maybe the price is worth it since you both were gushing about it..(esp. you, leigh! hwahahaha)

anyways,I was wondering when will Ate Ana stop yakking non-stop and repeatedly about Cusack.Fine, I know sometimes I'm guilty of it too. But she's TOO MUCH!! and this she only does to me! *sigh* My ears are starting to bleed.


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