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0 comments | Tuesday, February 15, 2005

After our Initial D: First Stage marathon my brothers and I have been complete dorks over it. Gally, my Ryosukeeee!! lols
well, i'm trying to remember if there's a particular series aside from it that's got a "drift race" theme...and nope, i don't think we've ever watched any other.
Anyways, i've always admired clean and crisp automotive illustrations...sparked since the You're Under Arrest days...but i never really considered it as art. mmm, dunno...'cause it's too 'technical' in a sense..and um, very limiting.But now, i think that was a very stupid point of view. lols. cars chassis and motorbikes...they're quite challenging to draw ( considering proportionality, shadaing...details, details..)*dooooorrrk*
haha..maybe i'll try to do one one of these days. yeah, get ambitious! lol

Heya Smirk!
yes.um, finally!
it took me ages, i know.
but it's because i wanna do a cg of it.um...but i don't think that's gonna happen.T_T
hwehwe, hope you like it ^_^*snickers* 'stig!


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