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0 comments | Wednesday, March 09, 2005

still on felts. soo "elementary" as ms. dizon would put it. i could go on and on with the pink+yellow+orange swirls but my sticks aren't ready to "go" yet. i messed up the silhouttes since i started working on it first before the background...so stupid...it would've been avoided if i got my common sense working on that piece. yet for the first time i got a feedback (AT LAST!) from mr. de guzman. and it was a positive one :D he said that I got just the right speed to handle on-the-spot outdoor drawings and encouraged me to try it some time. heeh. aww, shucks. nah, i don't think i'll be up to it. 'cause first--i don't think i'll be fond of an audience hovering behind me (which is bound to happen according to him) and still keep focus. plus, there's just not enough "inspiration" from city sceneries. but it's nice to know that mr. de guzman had put confidence on what i can do.


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