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0 comments | Sunday, March 20, 2005

i have a feeling that this blog will die pretty soon.
so maany stuff's been happening lately. i don't even know where to start.

ever had a day when everyone whom you have been thinking about soo much lately--including those you haven't seen in years--showed up?
i had 3 days of those just this week. it's crazy. Last friday, it was Angel who showed up. Yes, our bug-eye Angel(jokes). OoOoooh she was all lady-like and already has a boyfriend.(oowheeyoo!) She went to school to (i dunno) and I was watching my classmates' video documentary at the back of the registrar's and when i could no longer see the viewfinder cause of all those friggin heads swarming over i walked out and she stopped me...and i was gawking...and gawk some more...and i dunno for how long...and i shrieked...and i knew by that time i was already embarrassing her(lol!)...and i said i was gonna cry...and then she hit me real hard on my arm ( and you wouldn't believe how unladylike that punch was--man, my arm bruised!) but i don't mind 'cause it was soooo good to see her! she'll be graduating this year too and she still remebers the Aoshi fan i made (the one i already gave away and asked to have it back!-hahahaha) and then she updated me about Annaweya and i updated(?) her about Ofie, Ree and Lindsay. hwehwe she quipped that Rica Taylor and Isabel Perez's older sister joined the Binibining Pilipinas this year. (- .^) yanieways we exchanged contacts and she introduced me to her boyfriend(who happens to be studying at my school) . I was only a bit surprised when he said that he had heard much about me (made me go 'awwww'--i wuv Angel) hehehe. i wished i stayed a bit longer but i had to get back on our Community Case Study (400-plus families is no joke-i haven't slept peacefully since last week).

um what else...what else...

  • oh yessss! i got exempted from my Physics finals last thursday. *ogles* words "I" ,"exempted" and "Physics" in a single sentence. I rock. haha.
  • I am now the unofficial over-all-leader for the case study. Hershey wll be joining me pretty soon.
  • Will have battery exams in Monday *shivers*
  • Uber-wishing Genius Jetroy and I will be in the same group for NCMs (please, please, please)
  • missed out two-weeks of art lessons *sigh*
  • first time, out of "block love", that i genuinely felt terrible that a big part of the class has flunked on their Organic Chemistry and Physics. I honestly dunno what to tell Dominic a while ago.
  • Got an e-book this week (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time---anyone interested and i'll mail it to ya :D)
  • I got a license! mwahahahahaha!
  • I sang in front of people( they were just around four...) and felt good about it!
  • gotta be my most unforgettable semester
  • looking forward to summer NCM
seofchnfcqehfiuehgwghwsdfasdfafadtnwtp------> for even trying to handle multitasking : P


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