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0 comments | Monday, February 21, 2005

morning stroll+blood debate+by the death scene+granite tile color picking+dysfunctional photobot+can now log in to sheezyart

bad sinusitis attack+superb pasta cooking :)+mango ice cream+maxine's boyfriend+crosshatching doodle-loo

other day:
an hour sleep+morning stroll+cracked skull+sleep-sleeep-sleeeep+crammed art assignment+pastel on felt paper+QCA's JS Prom+kelvin the jologs hehehe

*pap's poem = heeh =))

yay to Firefox.

0 comments | Friday, February 18, 2005

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I am going to die at 66. When are you? Click here to find out!


never read the Velveteen Rabbit, but French Toast Girl posted an excerpt:

"What is REAL?" asked the Rabbit one day, when they were lying side by side near the nursery fender, before Nana came to tidy the room. "Does it mean having things that buzz inside you and a stick-out handle?"

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real."

"Does it hurt?" asked the Rabbit.

"Sometimes," said the Skin Horse, for he was always truthful.
"When you are Real you don't mind being hurt."

"Does it happen all at once, like being wound up," he asked, "or bit by bit?"

"It doesn't happen all at once," said the Skin Horse. "You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in your joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."

it's so touching. i wanna cry...

0 comments | Wednesday, February 16, 2005

i was sooo proud of myself a while back!

How many times do you know the answer to a million peso-worth question? tell, me.'cause i'm no genius. but when Kris Aquino asked Luke Mijares " What's the most visited museum in the world?"

while he stammered: Smithsonian Instute..
I screeched: particularly the National Air and Space Musuem!!! *hopping wildly around the house while yakking that it has around 11 million or so visitors each year....[neeeerd!]*

whoooohoo!! haha, doesn't matter if I didn't actutally won it but the feeling of knowing the answer to a million-worth qeustion and pondering over the possibility of the question being addressed to me is nauseating. hehe-he *stoned grin*

There are soo many places i wanna go to before I die. Lots of them. but my top 5 would be:
1. the whole of Smithsonian Institution.
2. the Louvre.
3. the Askaniya-Nova Biosphere Reserve.
4. Any of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Europe (Except Poland and Germany)
5. af kors, Japan

but feh! i don't think i'll be able to visit any of it. :P for now, i'm pretty much satisfied just reading about them. meap, meap.

0 comments | Tuesday, February 15, 2005

After our Initial D: First Stage marathon my brothers and I have been complete dorks over it. Gally, my Ryosukeeee!! lols
well, i'm trying to remember if there's a particular series aside from it that's got a "drift race" theme...and nope, i don't think we've ever watched any other.
Anyways, i've always admired clean and crisp automotive illustrations...sparked since the You're Under Arrest days...but i never really considered it as art. mmm, dunno...'cause it's too 'technical' in a sense..and um, very limiting.But now, i think that was a very stupid point of view. lols. cars chassis and motorbikes...they're quite challenging to draw ( considering proportionality, shadaing...details, details..)*dooooorrrk*
haha..maybe i'll try to do one one of these days. yeah, get ambitious! lol

Heya Smirk!
yes.um, finally!
it took me ages, i know.
but it's because i wanna do a cg of it.um...but i don't think that's gonna happen.T_T
hwehwe, hope you like it ^_^*snickers* 'stig!

0 comments | Monday, February 14, 2005

digging up old sketches a while back and looky what i found! waaah koenma-sama!! mou~kawaaii *glomps* awww, this is just one of some gift doodles Ree gave to me ^_^. i noticed she already used the "line shadings" that Mr. De Guzman just taught me. i wonder why sometimes she thinks her drawing skills aren't that good enough. *ponders* this one's already cool to me. hey, she's the only girl that i personally know who can definitely draw.

hmm..some bunch of losers have hacked my PC. they won't let me in on Messenger, MY SHEEZYART!(nnnoooooooo!) and they even tried to change my blog template. psssshhhwww. tell me, why can't some people get a life?

0 comments | Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I wuv my cousins!! *face-splitting grin*
oh why are we so awaaaay from each other?*sniffles*

We had um, a mini family reunion last sunday.Yay! Leigh and our vietnamese-looking Juani were there. Haha. We had a great time hanging out. We talk..and talked...and talked...we ate..updated everyone..ate and talked. lol.
About...family and non-mainstream reads and sounds and flicks, and also gross food manufacturing (eeww), prospective career landing...SAMAR (my gally I've still yet to meet my batallion of cousins there--heeh, why i really hope we could all go there and learn surfing on december! it's a plan!) and whole lot more =))

wish we could do this again sometime soom, maybe after juani graduates? *hint hint*yes? hehe.

They were sharing their favorite books and music. And i can't help but feel so stunted at some point (lol) Gaah, it's just that it's sooo difficult to find people here who has the same interest.I just got the books, Leigh. Thanks a muchos! But the Digital Fortress(?) seemed "unfinished". er..yeah..it is. heeh.Thanks also Juani for for the Bitcom tip-off. Heeh, i'm already starting to download BY ALBUM! haha, dunno...when it'll exactly be finished.lol

Mmmm, i wanted to buy the Einstein's Dream a while back but eh, they were out of stock(?) hahaha,i was thinking that even if it is expensive maybe the price is worth it since you both were gushing about it..(esp. you, leigh! hwahahaha)

anyways,I was wondering when will Ate Ana stop yakking non-stop and repeatedly about Cusack.Fine, I know sometimes I'm guilty of it too. But she's TOO MUCH!! and this she only does to me! *sigh* My ears are starting to bleed.

0 comments | Saturday, February 05, 2005

mon mere et pere came back home today.i got jelly 'cause they were all bragging their trip to Ocean Park *pouts*

Kris: You guys are bad. We kids(eherm, yes i am still at heart) are the ones who should go to places like that.
Mom: *ponders* But we never traveled when we were young. Our kind of fun back then was riding carabaos and chasing hens.
Pap: fun? didn't know what that was until i got here in the city.
Kris: *mumbles* you guys...i didn't ask for a guiltrip you know..

Rwahahaha. Pap gots me an adorrable keychain. Made me go 'awww'

Wierdest was i completely ignored all the chocolates they bought. (Mmmm, yesterday I skipped all my meals and was feeling super sick and nauseous. I tried raisins 'cause i was thinking maybe my tummy can handle a couple and it wouldn't make me puke.)I thought i was gonna be raving ravenous today but my appetite was still feeble...but i made sure i eat something 'cause i was getting very weak. haha

Ooh i went to see what milk drinks mom has brought.
These are the ickiest. Like whoever drink these stuff?

carrot and ginger!?

But yay! She's got soya milk ^_^!! yum yum goodness. Uh-huh
I gobbled up three of these in a row

Lol. If anyone needs a confidence booster, peeps of I.F. are happy to do it anytime. Haha

My brothers' mp3 player is neat-o. They were complaining about the storage space being small. Hey, a hundred-plus playlist is enough to me. If they're gonna continue to whine I'm going to ask pap to give the player to me instead. *evil big sister, i know* I can do cartwheels and jumping jacks wearing it and still it'll play sweet smooth sounds. Mmm, maybe I SHOULD ask for it....

0 comments | Wednesday, February 02, 2005


When I said Cusack was a self-proclaimed eunuch, I meant it in a figurative waaaay! Oh no. no. I wasn't spreading to the world that he was castrated!! Usually people whom I would tell this to would know that I was talking about Matthew 19:12, saying:
"For there are eunuchs that were born such from their mother’s womb, and there
are eunuchs that were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs that have made themselves eunuchs on account of the kingdom of the heavens. Let him that can make room for it make room for it."
Cusack was the third kind. Meaning, he chose to live a single life. Oh boy, oh boy. Gah, I feel awful. So some people thought of it literally! that's why they were giving me this horrifying looks. I didn't mean to disgrace him! Nooooo! Now i have to make it clear to those who didn't get it T_T, this is embarrassing...