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0 comments | Saturday, December 25, 2004

*been pigging out since thursday. maaaah! another food feast and i'm gonna burst.
*maxine had caught her first-ever mouse.
*i've transferred my DA works and AU works in here:

they've got fast image download and mature contents can be screened out.
waaaah, not really in a chatter mood today. i've been feeling quite sleepy the past few days. *yawns*

0 comments | Sunday, December 19, 2004

Michelle can read tagalog clearly now. I was so proud of her comment a while ago. Kuya Romy would soon be enrolling her in TMS. And she'll be my responsibility after Ate Nympha leaves. Yay! I promised to treat her this coming thursday--we'll either have pizza or ice cream. ( she haven't decided yet ) but i wish she chooses ice-cream. please choose ice-cream..please choose ice-cream..Chocolate Chip Mint or Tutti Frutti or any of the Arce selections. heeeeh yumminess. ^____^ aaaah i can't wait on thursday! We'll be watching her video field trip to Avilon. Maaaaah i've been begging poeple here at home to go to Aviloooon. It's the biggest zoo in here (i think) and they showcase a good wide variety of animals. It was featured on the TV way back and i ogled at the numerous birds confined there. I'm a bird-wuver too...waaaah the birds there aren't kept inside the cages...so people are allowed to feed and touch them!(with assistance, of course) I sooo wanted to pet pretty owls again(hehe my first was in Manila Zoo and back then i had to sneak behind the watcher, it's startling yet fun when they slowly turn their heads 180 degrees without blinking) and play with the parrots! watching flamingos would be cool too! and Michelle was telling me that if i ever go there make sure i do not to miss the bird show. Wuhuhuhu...bird showwws!

Hmmm...we went to Agnes' a while ago for a study. She enrolled in my school just this semester. And the first thing she asks me,"Do you know 'Willy B'?" And I was like "uh-huh" then she couldn't stop talking about the creep. I was itching to ask " Have a crush on him or something?" but keeping up with what she's saying is draining enough, i don't want her to get all super excited. blech. yuckkk. What's so special about him anyways (hindi naman gwapo, papasin pa) I'd rather talk about the cadavers in the anatomy lab. our cadavers have grayish yellow skin (probably because of all that formalin) and are kept in tanks. The male had been castrated and frequently been exposed (with all that incisions) for lab demonstrations. We didn't tinker on it if you're wondering, thank goodness for that. We just had to watch our proffessor mess around with it.

On a serious note...
Fred is looking a bit down in the morning and i just found out now that his aunt, Ate Fel, had been diagnosed of colon cancer. SO that's why she looked like she lost weight all of a sudden. It's definitely cancer, according to Michelle's mom and Fred's but on what stage...that is yet to be confirmed tommorrow. Everyone wants to offer their help. So far money matters are handled well. What they really need at the moment are people to keep a watch on her in the hospital (which happened to be my school too) since everyone in their family has to work extra hard to be able to support her medical needs in the long run. If ever arrangements for RPs are made, Ate Sarah and I are willing to take turns. I hope it turns out well for her.

With so many illnesses out there i think it would be really rare for someone to die of old age, almost everyone will have to die due to a medical complication. And with cancers, once you have it and eventually gotten rid of it there's the 90% chance of recurrence. Cancer patients hardly ever break away from their condition. There's an extension of 10 years to colon cancer survivors. And those who are diagnosed late and in the last stages have an 8% chance of survival. Sad facts, i know. Sometimes I wish I didn't know that much about health and sickness. I'm scared that knowing too much would make me cold...

0 comments | Saturday, December 18, 2004

the near homonimity and synonimity of:



-by Ate Joy, the weeniephile; self-described as artistic-autistic-artistic-autistic...

i'm taking keen interest in Asian flicks. hehehe. not the horror kind...although some ultra-cool japanese and korean productions make it uber-petrifying, startling, disturbing, distressing, and horrifying *pants* compared to the westerns'. And they don't even have to use special effects..AND they can make the 'normalness' of the scene bone-chilling.
but like i said, i'm not gonna talk about those, you can just watch them yourself hehehe :D
this week i've watched My Sassy Girl, Shaolin Soccer (gally, why haven't i watched this when it was shown here?), and Windstruck. And i'm having fuuuuuuun!! Soo i'm looking forward to Stephen Chow's Kung Fu Hustle next year! hehehe.

maaaah. i just got home from Intramuros ( more known now as WOW Philippines). my third time in the last two months. though it wasn't as much fun as the last time which i've dubbed as the "10 kilometers of fun and goodness" (basta sobra) ; P i happen to purchase some stuff (goods which were all made in the philippines...WOW.) lol

the white and peach paper rosebuds did make a difference. my desk is now a normal girl's desk. hooray for me!

| Friday, December 17, 2004

moon i yuhl li ne yo. keu da ga deu ruh o jyo.
chut noon en nan nae sa ram in guhl a rat jyo.
nae ap e da ga wa go gae soo gi myuh bi chin uhl gool
jung mal noon i boo shi ge a reum dap jyo~
waen i rin ji. nat suhl ji ga an ha yo. sul le go it jyo.
nae mam eul mo doo ga jyuh gan keu dae~
jo shim seu ruhb ge yae gi hal lae yo. yong gi nae bool lae yo~
na o neul boo tuh geu dae reul sa rang hae do dwel gga yo?
chuh eum in guhl yo. boon myuhng han neu ggim
noh chi go ship ji anh jyo
sa rang i o ryuh na bwa yo.
keu dae e ge neul choh eun guht man jool gge yo~
waen i rin ji. nat suhl ji ga an ha yo. sul le go it jyo.
nae mam eul mo doo ga jyuh gan keu dae~
cham man heun i byuhl~ cham man heun noon mool~
jal gyuhl dyuh naet gi e
jom neu juht ji man. keu dae reul man na ge dwet na bwa yo.
ji geum nae ap e an jeun sa ram eul sa rang hae do dwel gga yo?
doo geun guh ri neun mam eu ro~ keu dae e ge neul jo heun guht man jool gge yo~
nae ga keud dae reul sa rnag hae do ~~dwel gga yo~~?
Stay a little while
I've been waiting for this
I promised myself
I'll catch your smile
Keep it with me
To last me through my days

0 comments | Tuesday, December 14, 2004

fading scene of Kang Tae Young and Han Ki Joo by the river in Sienne...

Me: Oookay! Done! Sweet good good ending.
Mom: Wait, i think there's more.
Me: Um, actually it's better if we skip this part...
Mom: What are you talking about? Get out of the way!
Me: But--
Kelvin: Move!
Me: Ok, ok, fine! *mutters*

Last part begins...and ends...

Mom: What? What was that?
Kelvin: That sucks!
Mom: So it wasn't true?
Kelvin: That sucks!
Me: *whistles*
Mom: Oh! Maybe...it was just her screenplay...
Kelvin: Maybe she had a twin! That sucks!
Me:*laughs* See, i told ya! You shouldn't have watched it!
Mom: Yes, it was her screenplay!
Me: Noooo, the real couple is on the front cover of the papers. And she recognized them!
Kelvin: That can't be! It was all in her mind? Sucks...
Me: Oh shut up. Weren't you watching? The papers! I think that was cool. Writers poking fun on the conventional story line. hehehe
Mom: And i cried for nothing!
Me: Ok maybe...it just answers to Tae Young's wonder in Sienne...you know, like if she hadn't been a housemaid in Paris and Ki Joo didn't accidentally hit Yang Mi's cigarette booth...their paths would've still crossed no matter what the circumstance is...i think that's what they're trying to say.
Mom: I hate being confused.
Kelvin: It ruins the ideal impression.That still sucks.
Me: *sigh* well that should teach you a lesson to listen to me! And I still think it was fun.

! Mah Frooooogle !

1 comments | Monday, December 13, 2004

Pride is the cane of insecurity.
Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.
A gentle utterance can break a bone.

As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it.

0 comments | Saturday, December 11, 2004



My Des Amoureux A Paris--full series in VCD arrived today! Awwww, the bestest deal i had online ever! greatest deal :Dyes yes for 500Php (it's usually sold 800+) i also get the much coveted(by fans) OST.
and a free movie of choice (mine was My Sassy Girl) The bestest korean tracks i've heard so far!
Moon River in saxophone rendition + In My Dream piano instrumental...*wistful*
and the upbeat Romantic Love *dances*
oh mi gosh, oh mi gosh, oh mi gosh! Park Shin Yang speaking in an almost flawless French is soooo hot hot hot!!...waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh *swooons*
the plot is conventional but it doesn't have the most attractive cast so the characters is given much much personality. clever move i must say. they interact in the most natural way. Kudos too for the two witty scriptwriters! yes, those unforgiving in-your-face punchlines, hahaha! that's why it's so pleasing to watch :D

aaaagh. episode 1 lasted for more than an hour! (local channel is still on the 8th episode and the ones they show have lots of cuts and inexact translations) mom and i were commenting on the lavish production and its cinematic quality. whoo. yeah, we bonded! hahaha :D
much thanks to smilingred!

0 comments | Friday, December 10, 2004

I've been acing my quizzes and demonstrations since monday! Aaah, i knew the climate has something to do with this *face-splitting grin* i love this time of the year. the sun doesn't pierce your skin and the cool breeze is so welcoming. clouds are higher. sky is bluer. Morning walks are getting more pleasant. I am making use of my cardigans!! heeh. i love waking up.

My sweet sweet sister, Michelle, gave me a sketch. And though she didn't like to draw as much, last sunday she handed a portrait sketch of me. She'd probably taken note on how much i like art and drawing and sketching and how much i was yakking about it many weeks ago. And here i was thinking no one was really listens at me. i just known that she didn't like to draw much ( she even whispered not to show the sketch to anybody). although it wasn't the most impressive work (coming from a 12-year-old) the gesture almost moved me to tears. and she even took detail on my siamese kitty clamp!
waaaah. T_T so out of spontaneity, i've given her my favorite pin. my silverchain-dangling-with-pink-gingham-flower pin! and i happen to really, really, really like that pin.

but i wasn't personal enough. so i gave her a portrait sketch too. Ate Nymphz said she likes anime lots. so against my resolution to not draw anime i made an exemption for this case. i hoped she like it ( i told her not to open the envelope til she gets home )

if most people find poetry special,
i think sketches are the sweetest gifts.

Of course, this particular entry wouldn't be complete without kvetching my Philosophy class. We're still on Descartes. Ah, and i thought Mr. Ademe was planning to convert our thinkings to those of Machiavelli and Nietchze. We are now told to reflect on the passages of Discourse on Method of Descartes' Essais Philosophiques.

i hate philosophy of man. forever and ever.

What is the origin of human philosophies?
I like the way Reasoning Book answered it:
They come from people who have limitations. Humans by nature have limitations. Additionally, their experience in life is relatively brief and is usually confined to one culture or one environment. The knowledge they possess is thus restricted, and everything is interconnected to such an extent that they constantly find aspects that they had not adequately considered. Any philosophy that they originate will reflect these limitations. Because of such imperfection, human philosophies often reflect a basic selfishness that leads perhaps to momentary pleasure but also to frustration and much unhappiness. There are philosophies that encourage people to disobey God’s wholesome and upright requirements. No wonder that, as history testifies, human philosophies and schemes have often brought grief to large segments of humankind. ( And I couldn't agree more! Just take a look at Kant's Moral Philosophy, Epicureanism, Utilitarianism, Stoiscisms and Aristotle's theory of slavery!)

*pants* ok that was enough ranting.

To-"read" wish list for next year:
1. How to Travel with a Salmon and other essays by Umberto Eco (excerpt here)
2. Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
3. Selected Poems of Walt Whitman
4. Good Grief by Lolly Winston
5. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon

phfft. Since the quizilla result (few posts back) my curiosity compelled me to search for Umberto Eco's The Name of Rose but seems the book isn't available here.Hwehwe. But his How to Travel with A Salmon and other essays was an ingeneous fun fun read. They said it wasn't the usual Eco work. funniest book i've read in a long while (well i just happen to read very few parts of it) . yeah, i've read the 'How to eat ice-cream' part' and 'How Not to Use the Cellular Phone' but from what i've already read my favorite was...here it goes... "How to Use Suspension Points"...!!! bwahahahahaha! That essay was hilarious :D i'd recommend the book for the witty and for those who think they're witty. i would've bought it right away but i haven't got enough moolah at that time. But i'd buy it for sure on my next visit to the bookstore. :D heeeh

0 comments | Tuesday, December 07, 2004

me waaaaaaaaants it soooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaad!

1 comments | Thursday, December 02, 2004

The name of the rose
Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a
mystery novel dealing with theology, especially
with catholic vs liberal issues. You search
wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that
learning is essential in life.

Which literature classic are you?
brought to you by

on why i got it? i've no idea. I've never even heard of this Umberto dude.

On a much serious note...
PAGASA raised the storm signal to 2. Classes on all levels in manila have been cancelled. Parts of north Luzon and eastern Visayas on high alert. Latest satellite feed image showed (or in this not showed)...a fully cloud-covered archipelago. imagine a beautiful oil paint rendition of southeast asia only somebody deliberately used a paint thinner on the spot where the philippines should be.

Forecasters described "Yoyong" as "the big one" with winds up to 150 kilometers
per hour near the center and gustiness of up to 185 kilometers per hour.
of 4 a.m. the storm's center was located 960 kilometers east of Guiuan, Eastern
Samar, and was moving west northwest at 35 kilometers per hour.
It is
expected to reach 340 km northeast of Guiuan, Eastern Samar by Thursday morning,
80 km northeast of Infanta, Quezon, by Friday morning and 280 km west northwest
of Dagupan City by Saturday.

quoted from: ABS-CBNNEWS

2:36 pm:
we are scared for our families in Isabela and Samar. The typhoon is headed Northwest North. Latest I heard was a total/partial blackout in the Samar region and by tonight or friday morning Isabela may have a storm signal of 4.
we couldn't contact either parties.