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0 comments | Monday, June 06, 2005

Mhoosic: Chiisana Inori (Fruits Basket ED) by Ritsuko Okazaki

I'm baaaaaaack! and even though no one is reading this blog i still wanna say I miss ya'll!
well, the wet season has come and i can't be happier. ;) i loathe summers. but i didn't spend the whole 2 months cursing the El Nino instead i spent most of it within the "comforts" of our school's AHSE Lab. Had summer classes for the first time, in preparation to our capping for this coming semester. wheeeeeee! I AM SOO EXCITED!! haha, the real action is about to begin...can't wait! *wiggles*

ah, my summer classes were great! :D new crowd (more intelligent to note--than my previous block). I simply love my subjects!! Especially my Micro-Para ( Microbiology & Parasitology)!! I don't care if i almost flunked it--gah, i enjoyed studying it! yes, the subject thrills me. It even made me thought of becoming a doctor-lol. I was that happy. And why?? I dunno...maybe it was interesting..it reminded me so much of highschool biology. and i used to love biology. or maybe because it was Sir Shiaree who's teaching it (hee hee), aaah men wearing glasses bursting with intellect makes me elated..and endorphins are supposed to make you more menatally alert..and make you think of crazy things like... " ooh, i wanna pinch that cheek of his.." or makes you determined to stare deeply into his eyes for the whole period, pretend you are absorbing the topic and ace the tests for you to get noticed..hahahaha! well, i did "ace" my midterms (top two in all the sections he handled) and i did get noticed for our Oral Revalida *sparkles*..."Ms. Kris Lei..matalino ito e..*flashing a smile*"...mhay gally, kinikilig akooo! but i only got an average grade for my overall because i was absent the first 4 meetings and that was equivalent to 8 quizzes.. ^_^;

anyway, i was sooo freaking cheerful the whole summer. and the same goes with everyone who went to summer class! uh-huh, it's crazy. strangers would wave to you... classmates of long time ago would pop out every now and then and have a nice chit-chats and joke with you as if you're long time friends..even the people from my previous block were eerily friendly to me..making high-fives in the corridor as if we're all close buddies..it was weird but in a good way...maybe it has something to do with our near-coming capping..I remember Mr. Merced saying..we can never call ourselves nursing students until we actually start our capping. Getting this far is such a feat already. atleast for someone, who's afraid to do IMs IVs and have no clue when it comes to performing a bedbath..(again i was absent)


oooh, our new elevator is up. My Physics professor, Engr. Bartolome ( but just Sir Briggs to us) had finished his project just this May. Whee, did i mention how incredibly good-looking this guy is? When I had my Physics last sem i wasn't really taken by his big round eyes or his lopsided grin..his long straight nose, fair skin and kissable lips..am not even charmed by his boyish(a bit roughish, gestures..'cause the moment you actually hear him speak...it's..it's just so wrong..so wrong...talsik laway and diin pa ng pagka-bisaya niya..ikaw mismo ang mahihiya sa ka-kornihan ng jokes niya..like what my classmate said..sana naging pipi na lang si sir.the only thing that impressed me..was of course, again, his sheer intellect..and like me..he's not easily taken by looks as well...ang sabi nga niya.." wala akong pakialam sa hitsura mo..pag may ibubuga ka(academicallay speaking), okay ka sa kin." which he proved several times...like when he dissed our Ms. Saci candidate one time 'cause she prioritized her pageant practice over our exams. The way he spoke was actually kinda harsh. I also noticed he was more amiable toward the minority...especially to those who were raised up in the provinces.
You might be wondering why am i talking about this guy? er, i dunno. i just feel like it. anyway, even though he's uber-cute rarely none (or very very few) of his students has a crush on him mainly because of his character. Matapang, masungit at pwede ka kasi niya ipahaiya. Even i got the taste of his bad side. ^_^; but it was ok since i admit it was my fault. but i strived for my midterms and got a perfect score on my exams. which i guess left him surprised since from totally nothing i got a 100%. of course i know i still have to keep it up until finals 'cause i can't let my overall grade depend on midterms alone. but to my surprise this time..he exempted me! my finals are automatically perfect. la yun lang..hehe. tas friendly na si sir! I came to know he's from Samar and studied eng'ng at UE..and stuff like that. I have a strong hunch that he's married, 'cause there's a mark in his ring finger though the ring is not present. but he denies this..heeheehee..Myla and I have often bumped into sir this summer..and like with everybody else..seems he got infected with the contagiously cheerful air, he would make an effort to greet us too. And would joke around about my name..haha. And he even invited us to "take a ride" in the newly installed elevator even when it wasn't ready for use yet. Cool. It's a talking elevator! haha,
" Elevator is closing.."
" Elavator is opening.."

um...i dunno where i am going with all this talk..lol!

random stuff:
  • Rio caught us online through Tantra. Will be going to their place this week ;D
  • Maxine's got a partner!
  • Dloading from IRC is teh bomb! haha, currently leeching english Furuba mangas. And it's FREE!! Wheee!
  • Tommorrow--will be going to the 8th Asian Cartoon Exhibition by the Japan foundation. Hope it's fun! I'll try to take pics there.
  • NARUTO. can't have enough of it.
  • You know those Japan mini-documentaries that is aired every now and then in RPN and IBC? they've got new videos (year 2005)! try to catch them if ya can heeh
  • 24 tagilized ain't so bad.
  • strawberry syrup + green tea = yumyum
meapmeap ya'll


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