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0 comments | Wednesday, June 29, 2005

hello world!

well, it's been already two weeks since official start of classes. Our lectures and demonstration skills are only done twice a week. Related Learning Experience won't start til July 15. So i've got plenty of time to waste during the week but i'm already running out fun stuff to do. And by fun, i mean the introvert's kind of fun--reading, drawing...well, you know, my kind of fun. -_-;

and speaking of reading..
it's been a long time since ive read a "book of quality". and that was like last February (
Secret Garden) After that i've engaged myself in chic lits ( confessions of a shopaholic..) and young adult genres ( the princess diaries.. ). hehe.
the other day, I just finished reading
Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha and it's one of those reads I forced myself to finish at one sitting. I really enjoyed immersing myself into the author's beautifully written prose and figures of speech. And the way he describes the sceneries and Sayuri's kimonos makes you feel as though you are actullay there and you can touch it. It's so rich with culture and history too that by the end of the novel you feel like you are educated in the ways of the artisan. It's impressive for a first novel but it can't be helped that there's a downside in which of course i will not disclose in case you decide to read it. :)

Ah and about drawing...um...i'm not in a mood to draw these days. If I force myself it just gets sucky the more I try to 'fix' it..

See? fer cryin out loud when in the world will i ever finish a clean illustration that'll include a background? Maybe it's telling that I am never meant to be a good kind of artist and it's alright that i didn't study in the field of arts. I just lack big time in consistency and speed! Blech, icky sob sob self-pity ranting..hah. don't mind me. i was told that these self-destructive psychological attacks are normal. ;)

yeah, i promised to post pics from the cartoon exhibition b
ut i didn't bring the digicam that day. sowee. We went there on commute and obviously you can't trust the crowd in public transport. Anyway the exhibit is mostly comprised of the editorial type of cartoon depicting on everyday life, politics and ironies people can relate to. Mom and I enjoyed the series from this Japanese lady artist 'cause its so colorful and yet her subjects are full of ironies--like the one in which the wife has prepared a death ceremomy for her pet dog (in the living room) crying buckets, looking like her world is about to fall apart while on the next room is her estranged husband who is alone eating soup for dinner(which he prepared by himself). hehehe.

ah i noticed that i'm totally obsessed with the whole japanese culture thing. japanese this and that and so and so...it's irritating, i know. sorry. really it's all pathological. i will try to minimize on it if i can. ^_^;

*sigh* honestly, i'm running out of things to say--well, nothing new there! haha

anyway, will blog when something interesting comes up. Actually i might turn this blog into a nursing journal when our RLE starts. i dunno...we'll see. but for now, that's all folks!


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