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0 comments | Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Procrastination..must have no place this week. Seriously, I'm about to face some serious cramming.

Need to finish subject loading by tommorrow morning. Meaning I have to be up before sunrise, arrive at school at 6am, then secure a place in the accounting list, request a copy of billing and dodge the pack of late-enrollees before 9am. Because at 10am we have to make last-minute shopping for the trip. And I have still no idea what to buy, which is crazy considering there's only a denim and a couple of cotton shirts on my luggage!

Oh yeah, maxine's food's running low. Gotta take care of that too. Her appetite grows by the week..it's uncrontrollable!And, make arrangements for Dan and Dianne...for Thursday's exhibit.

Giline. augh. I almost forgot. MUST see her tommorrow evening. We still haven't finished the last paragraphs of chapter 6. But before that Ate Ana at 5:30..

It's amazing sometimes when you badly wish there's something to do 'cause you're fed up doing nothing and then suddenly you just find yourself so occupied you think the bustle will never end.

I. need. more. TIME.


PS:I such a dork but I finally knew what XOX means: Hugs and Kisses! Kyehehehe.


Originally uploaded by xsle.

Here's my adorable baby.
Maxine's just turned nine months.

I'm so attached to her i dunno how am i gonna survive in Bangkok for 5 days :)

The rest of her online photos are on my flickr account.

0 comments | Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I've been wearing this stoned grin since saturday.

A 100% on my Oral comm. finals. What a way to kiss the semester goodbye and my ENGLISH-related subjects forever. (wait--that last part doesn't sound happy--I happen to love English subjects) Believe it or not I'm gonna miss Willie B's quirks, but not as much as getting free from being his object of torture.(the memory of ruining respected poems by audulating Nora Aunor style just can't be lived down)

I'm oh so looking forward for the next semester. it'll be by far the most demanding since the dean allowed me to take 30 units, stamping me for the upcoming semesters as a REGULAR STUDENT! And that means A LOT!

[Do you have any idea how frazzling it is to acquaint yourself with 50 strangers in a class and do it again to a different set of people for every single subject you have? Putting yourself in a embarrassing state when picking the right name of the person or whether this IS the 'right' person you are looking for when you badly need to ask what will be the scope for the professor's forthcoming exam in Health Care Lec? Add to that the liability of having a poor memory?]

But a sign of hope showed itself today. Dean, who-ever you may be, thank you for making my torture stake much bearable than before.

more reasons to be thankful..
Ivy, my safety net, has agreed to sign up in the same section I'm in for HC 2! whoohoo! Who's gonna be left dry and bored to the bones for a 10-hour lecture? Not mE! or us, for that matter.

Ah I'm so glad I bumped into Franco today. Nice chit-chat we had. He makes everyday morbid hospital scenarios sound fun...

Franco(excited): Last time I got posted on ER, I scraped the forearm skin of a thrid-degree burn patient...the corium was too charred and solidified i was hammering on it!(makes drumming motions)
Me: (askewed facial expression) You are mean.
Franco(shrugged and still exicited):The guy was knocked-out. He doesn't feel a thing anyway.(drumming in air again)
Me: Man, get yourself Valiums next time.

He may not be aware of it but he's one of the few that encourages me to push through with my course. Not once i heard him complain. And I'm guessing he even loves the smell of ammonia.:)So zapping back,there are better reasons to feel jolly-high!Thursday, Gallery-visit Day! Never been in a gallery opening so thanks to my sensei-to-be Mr. De Guzman.andFriday, our flight to Bangkok! (i honestly forgot how it feels like to ride a plane. I was only 8 when we went to Brunei.)oh boy, oh boy. Must learn Thai quick. quick. quick. And must pack. pack. pack.