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0 comments | Saturday, January 07, 2006

Mhoosic: Seishun Kyousoukyoku by Sambomaster
Mood: obtunded

since i've already started converting this blog into my doodle journal...from now on i'd just be posting artworks(anime-ish stuff, btw or any stuff relating to it--like manga or anime, animated pictures) instead of blogging about me-stuff. goal = 75-100 doodles until June! Yosh! I can make it (please, let me..). Need to sharpen my fine motor skills..and try not be the moody type of doodler. anyway, i'll post every doodle i'll make this year (whether its crappy/sucky/ambitious/almost-there/err/that's-it?!) yeah, whatev. at the end of it, i would like to actually see notable improvement (naman no).

off we go:

i NEVER get the whole ruffles/folds on baggy clothes
kumusta naman po ang kamay nyo?

relief relief relief

This is how i am when i'm not in the right mood
*barfs in disgust*


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