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0 comments | Thursday, January 12, 2006

mhoosic: Mouichido Kimi Ni Atai by Shimokawa Mikuni
mood: agitated

i. can't. wait.
next week is sooooo like the next 42 years.!!!!!

gotta be the blastin' week of the year. hihihihihi XD
well, it too early to tell...it's only the first month of 2006.


another quickie doodle again?
hai! sou desu!i'm serious with the 100 doodles.

fanart today folks.
this has a grayscale/horizontally-flipped version
i'm aware of the misproportions+vanishing hands+masculineness.
so bleh! i don't like the Haruno kid...as with the Uchiha kid.
*but she gets cooler the manga.
15 with spankin' new outfit. maybe she'd look better with long hair?*

for my next Naruto fanart : NaruXHina *squishes them* and maybe ShikamaruXTemari *more squishes* and yeah Kakashi or Yondaime..gosh characters that i happen to like *naman* in the series.. lol

wish they'd cut the filler episodes after the Sasuke Retrieval Arc.
such waste.
Let it be the "3-years-after" for the next season!

i'm being a dumb fangirl again.


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