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0 comments | Sunday, July 17, 2005

i hate leaving a vacant seat beside me and sitting near the aisle...disastrous events can happen at any moment.
i'm so stupid. it's so embarrassing...
eewwww, how could i let myself appear so dimwitted after i've just made a well thought-out comment?!? I don't understand at all...i knew ******* was practically thinking of it after repeating such a supercalifragelistic simple joke thrice!! arrgh! i've got to stop thinking about it...or else i'll be dysfunctional for a really.. looong time -_-;

watching episodes 98-121 of Naruto fansubs (c/o Kelvin's classmate) was fun fun especially on the Konoha Five saga...gosh, i *hearts* Shikamaru...he's got to be the coolest lazybutt in the animelandia..hehehe...but it gets really upsetting near the end...i know i could've researched, but did Chouji, Neji and Akamaru/Kiba....died?? It sent me almost crying when their respective battles ended..that Uchiha kid should be really fried to his bones. *gives a deadly stare on the left*

[edit: ok, i decided to find out myself after all ^^;--yay! they didn't die...Kishimoto[the author] just wants to freak out the audience--ehehehe]

o ayan michelleeeeey! masaya ka na? sayong-sayo na..pareho kayo may diprensiya sa utak! (lol)

posting doodles again to abuse direct photo loading service *hwehehehehe*


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