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0 comments | Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm back on DA after two years. I missed the hub. There's so much talent and creative juices flowing there. And i feel sucky for being so old already. 16-year-old kids' works are amazingly dumbfounding. If before I'm thinking of making a side-line selling prints of my works...now I'm definitely having second thoughts. You see, the elite anime artists there are very immersed and constantly updated with the latest RPG online games, the newest and popular mangas and anime productions in Japan. They really try to learn what the "market" wants and go gaga over. I just don't have the same drive as when i was still as young as them anymore. There's so much competition over there and there's like a batallion of other artists who are a gazillion times better than my best put out. *uwaaa!* *thniffles*
making illustrations are now solely done for leisure. unless a good number of people will take interest in my works then i might give selling prints a shot. Yeah, dream on.
Anyway, the only thing that somehow made me feel okay was that not all the good artists i know work in an art-related field. Reading their journals and surprising their fans that they're taking up psychology, architecture and med proper makes me feel not all sorry for myself. I can so relate to their rants when they first mentioned to their parents that they want to make a living out of art. bwahahaha. I mean not that my parents are against me before when i told them i have plans of taking computer graphic arts...they said " Ok, whatever makes you happy, we'll support you.." but gee, if you could only hear the tone of their voices. lol. I'm not saying I have regrets. You know, I do beleive that you can make things happen at the right time at the right circumstances when you want to. I know that this time around is not the right time. Maybe in the near future? I dunno...we'll see...i hope. I mean i definitely don't see myself getting stuck on a hospital for my entire career-life! *shudders*

Oh well enough of that, I'm getting all dramatic 'cause I'm starving already. hehehe.

To Ree, you'd do well as the art moderator, don't worry much :P

To Ria, congrats for passing the board :D

later everyone.


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