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0 comments | Sunday, July 03, 2005

i had my digitizer last summer but really hadn't done major cg-ing until yesterday. i spent HALF the day on finishing this piece. I feel like being back to square one. I keep getting all the layers mixed and blending them inappropriately. Gaah my eyes have popped out midway doing this and just strained shoulder muscles in the process. but i was so driven to get it done on that day because before that i had my root canal done. root canals. two. boohoo. and i had to keep myself busy so i can ignore the pain.
Actually, my visit to the dentist was just on a spur of the moment thing. I just really want to find out how good looking the dentist is as my family claims it! [Gah, i'm so cheap (lol)-well not really, i had a feeling that one of my molars needs a filling.] Everyone here in the house is saying what a waste Dr.B was 'cause he such a 'pretty boy'. So mom and I went there. And my ghallies, he looks incredibly like the much older and masculine version of Ueloj (he's Ryan's boyfriend), who also happens to be gay. Good thing i didn't let my jaw drop! He's uber duper cute!! ( i kept thinking about Ueloj the whole time and all those times i've spent with him & Ryan ) Even though he's flashing the neon sign of gay-ness, which in some ways suppsed to make me feel relaxed, i was just so stunned and kept shut the whole time. After he'd inspected my oral cavities, he said that two of my molars were already damaged. It's either we extract it or go for the root canal. I WOULD NEVER UNDERGO EXTRACTION! anyway, i won't go to the gory details of the procedure. All i know is that my nervousness/embarrassment/lingering shock is making me all hypersensitive![i dunno if he noticed at all]. I still have a follow-up on wednesday so...i dunno I'm supposed to be feel happy or dreadful. haha. Anyway, when we got home, I realized I missed Ry and Ueloj. I miss joking around with them. I miss playing cards with them. I miss having to work with them on our projects. Gaaah, I want to see them so badly! I hope i could see any one of them this week.


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