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0 comments | Friday, July 15, 2005

My current obsession is Candy Bar Dollmaker.
I *hearts* the dollz!!
their hair, shoes, clothes and accessories...gah,
they make me drool on the full-costumes...
each pixel wonder is unique in its own way...even some have personalities! I've collected about 60 of them out of like..hundreds!!

OOh the dolls are making me inspired to go for a theme.. see, I'm thinking of doing anime versions of my favorite full-costumed dolls. Isn't that nifty? :D watcha think? only..is that somehow breaking copyright law? *scratches head*--but they base the dolls on other popoular characters in gaming and entertainment. And I'm not really gonna copy it completely...more like i'll loosely base my illustrations on it...

like this one...

my version...

see...it's not entirely copied! the doll still looks way better than the illustration!

yeah, i think i'm gonna give it a go. hehehe. but before that...i have to rest to recover, bleh, i got sick...

on another note, Maxine is nearing to bearing her kitties! heeh, in around 2 weeks or so--i think. I AM SO excited!! hahaha. i wonder how many will she have...i just hope she don't bear them on my bed! she's been sleeping and staying there so often lately ^_^; she really likes...dark places..lol. it's because I rarely open up my windows at all...well, there's not much view to look at anyways.

ok, that's it. say, this journal is becoming more like an art journal, ne? yeah, didn't mean to! lol


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