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0 comments | Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I hate my school.
I hate the system.
I hate the management.
I hate you Chadraaaaa!! just how did you chucked yourself out of mesozoic era, huh?

sucky section + sucky schedule + sucky instructors = the suckiest semester ever.

I am seriously thinking of transferring to another school.

yeah. i am gonna start hunting for one with really good affiliations.
Paul said he found one that enables students to complete 25 cases (PRC requirement)
in only a couple of week's time. Mail me soon!

-get a haircut
-raid Divisoria!!! Divisoria!!!
-update DA
-invest on nursing-related books
psychiatric nursing pocket
surgical nursing pocket
maternal & child nursing pocket
nursing basics pocket ( handy on wards!)
NANDA latest revision (gotta flourish my NCPs)
2004/2005 Licensure exams - questionnaires/reviewer
Drug Reference

--100 doodles within 3 moths time
--semi-nocturnal (figures..)
--stocking allergic

hy-drate me!! HYDRATE meeh!

0 comments | Sunday, November 13, 2005

i feel like i'm on a standstill.

a phantom dread is lurking somewhere..near. *shrugs*