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0 comments | Sunday, July 17, 2005

i hate leaving a vacant seat beside me and sitting near the aisle...disastrous events can happen at any moment.
i'm so stupid. it's so embarrassing...
eewwww, how could i let myself appear so dimwitted after i've just made a well thought-out comment?!? I don't understand at all...i knew ******* was practically thinking of it after repeating such a supercalifragelistic simple joke thrice!! arrgh! i've got to stop thinking about it...or else i'll be dysfunctional for a really.. looong time -_-;

watching episodes 98-121 of Naruto fansubs (c/o Kelvin's classmate) was fun fun especially on the Konoha Five saga...gosh, i *hearts* Shikamaru...he's got to be the coolest lazybutt in the animelandia..hehehe...but it gets really upsetting near the end...i know i could've researched, but did Chouji, Neji and Akamaru/Kiba....died?? It sent me almost crying when their respective battles ended..that Uchiha kid should be really fried to his bones. *gives a deadly stare on the left*

[edit: ok, i decided to find out myself after all ^^;--yay! they didn't die...Kishimoto[the author] just wants to freak out the audience--ehehehe]

o ayan michelleeeeey! masaya ka na? sayong-sayo na..pareho kayo may diprensiya sa utak! (lol)

posting doodles again to abuse direct photo loading service *hwehehehehe*

0 comments | Friday, July 15, 2005

My current obsession is Candy Bar Dollmaker.
I *hearts* the dollz!!
their hair, shoes, clothes and accessories...gah,
they make me drool on the full-costumes...
each pixel wonder is unique in its own way...even some have personalities! I've collected about 60 of them out of like..hundreds!!

OOh the dolls are making me inspired to go for a theme.. see, I'm thinking of doing anime versions of my favorite full-costumed dolls. Isn't that nifty? :D watcha think? only..is that somehow breaking copyright law? *scratches head*--but they base the dolls on other popoular characters in gaming and entertainment. And I'm not really gonna copy it completely...more like i'll loosely base my illustrations on it...

like this one...

my version...

see...it's not entirely copied! the doll still looks way better than the illustration!

yeah, i think i'm gonna give it a go. hehehe. but before that...i have to rest to recover, bleh, i got sick...

on another note, Maxine is nearing to bearing her kitties! heeh, in around 2 weeks or so--i think. I AM SO excited!! hahaha. i wonder how many will she have...i just hope she don't bear them on my bed! she's been sleeping and staying there so often lately ^_^; she really likes...dark places..lol. it's because I rarely open up my windows at all...well, there's not much view to look at anyways.

ok, that's it. say, this journal is becoming more like an art journal, ne? yeah, didn't mean to! lol

0 comments | Wednesday, July 13, 2005

[read from bottom first]

my she does sound hyper ne?

*crunching my knuckles*

This is my first official request from a deviant. and I must admit I'm both nervous and excited..not that I'd get anything in return for this...hahaha...i hope she'll like the illustration...she wanted it to be simple and plain but she seem to have a very concrete idea already, and it's quite interesting, so i offered to make a clean illust and also told her that it might take a while...

saaa...vill vork on it now!
hope she'll like it...

0 comments | Saturday, July 09, 2005

I'm back on DA after two years. I missed the hub. There's so much talent and creative juices flowing there. And i feel sucky for being so old already. 16-year-old kids' works are amazingly dumbfounding. If before I'm thinking of making a side-line selling prints of my works...now I'm definitely having second thoughts. You see, the elite anime artists there are very immersed and constantly updated with the latest RPG online games, the newest and popular mangas and anime productions in Japan. They really try to learn what the "market" wants and go gaga over. I just don't have the same drive as when i was still as young as them anymore. There's so much competition over there and there's like a batallion of other artists who are a gazillion times better than my best put out. *uwaaa!* *thniffles*
making illustrations are now solely done for leisure. unless a good number of people will take interest in my works then i might give selling prints a shot. Yeah, dream on.
Anyway, the only thing that somehow made me feel okay was that not all the good artists i know work in an art-related field. Reading their journals and surprising their fans that they're taking up psychology, architecture and med proper makes me feel not all sorry for myself. I can so relate to their rants when they first mentioned to their parents that they want to make a living out of art. bwahahaha. I mean not that my parents are against me before when i told them i have plans of taking computer graphic arts...they said " Ok, whatever makes you happy, we'll support you.." but gee, if you could only hear the tone of their voices. lol. I'm not saying I have regrets. You know, I do beleive that you can make things happen at the right time at the right circumstances when you want to. I know that this time around is not the right time. Maybe in the near future? I dunno...we'll see...i hope. I mean i definitely don't see myself getting stuck on a hospital for my entire career-life! *shudders*

Oh well enough of that, I'm getting all dramatic 'cause I'm starving already. hehehe.

To Ree, you'd do well as the art moderator, don't worry much :P

To Ria, congrats for passing the board :D

later everyone.

0 comments | Monday, July 04, 2005

wahaha. today is the day i'll be vain. 'cause i'm all dressed-up, made-up and feeling girly despite my wieght gain! hehe. Oooh, now that blogger allows direct image upload from pc drive i am sooo gonna abuse it today! hahaha. pics were taken a while ago at dinner at Kuya Jay's place. Note, this is just me behind all the fancy make-up...underneath all it's really blech! thanks to the power of concealers!
mom, ate sarah, moi

i was hugging a pink bear wrapped in plastic(?)! This is one of those things i find so absurd...displaying stuff toys while still packed..

Future husband & wife:
Kuya Jay & Ate Sarah

0 comments | Sunday, July 03, 2005

i had my digitizer last summer but really hadn't done major cg-ing until yesterday. i spent HALF the day on finishing this piece. I feel like being back to square one. I keep getting all the layers mixed and blending them inappropriately. Gaah my eyes have popped out midway doing this and just strained shoulder muscles in the process. but i was so driven to get it done on that day because before that i had my root canal done. root canals. two. boohoo. and i had to keep myself busy so i can ignore the pain.
Actually, my visit to the dentist was just on a spur of the moment thing. I just really want to find out how good looking the dentist is as my family claims it! [Gah, i'm so cheap (lol)-well not really, i had a feeling that one of my molars needs a filling.] Everyone here in the house is saying what a waste Dr.B was 'cause he such a 'pretty boy'. So mom and I went there. And my ghallies, he looks incredibly like the much older and masculine version of Ueloj (he's Ryan's boyfriend), who also happens to be gay. Good thing i didn't let my jaw drop! He's uber duper cute!! ( i kept thinking about Ueloj the whole time and all those times i've spent with him & Ryan ) Even though he's flashing the neon sign of gay-ness, which in some ways suppsed to make me feel relaxed, i was just so stunned and kept shut the whole time. After he'd inspected my oral cavities, he said that two of my molars were already damaged. It's either we extract it or go for the root canal. I WOULD NEVER UNDERGO EXTRACTION! anyway, i won't go to the gory details of the procedure. All i know is that my nervousness/embarrassment/lingering shock is making me all hypersensitive![i dunno if he noticed at all]. I still have a follow-up on wednesday so...i dunno I'm supposed to be feel happy or dreadful. haha. Anyway, when we got home, I realized I missed Ry and Ueloj. I miss joking around with them. I miss playing cards with them. I miss having to work with them on our projects. Gaaah, I want to see them so badly! I hope i could see any one of them this week.