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0 comments | Sunday, March 20, 2005

i have a feeling that this blog will die pretty soon.
so maany stuff's been happening lately. i don't even know where to start.

ever had a day when everyone whom you have been thinking about soo much lately--including those you haven't seen in years--showed up?
i had 3 days of those just this week. it's crazy. Last friday, it was Angel who showed up. Yes, our bug-eye Angel(jokes). OoOoooh she was all lady-like and already has a boyfriend.(oowheeyoo!) She went to school to (i dunno) and I was watching my classmates' video documentary at the back of the registrar's and when i could no longer see the viewfinder cause of all those friggin heads swarming over i walked out and she stopped me...and i was gawking...and gawk some more...and i dunno for how long...and i shrieked...and i knew by that time i was already embarrassing her(lol!)...and i said i was gonna cry...and then she hit me real hard on my arm ( and you wouldn't believe how unladylike that punch was--man, my arm bruised!) but i don't mind 'cause it was soooo good to see her! she'll be graduating this year too and she still remebers the Aoshi fan i made (the one i already gave away and asked to have it back!-hahahaha) and then she updated me about Annaweya and i updated(?) her about Ofie, Ree and Lindsay. hwehwe she quipped that Rica Taylor and Isabel Perez's older sister joined the Binibining Pilipinas this year. (- .^) yanieways we exchanged contacts and she introduced me to her boyfriend(who happens to be studying at my school) . I was only a bit surprised when he said that he had heard much about me (made me go 'awwww'--i wuv Angel) hehehe. i wished i stayed a bit longer but i had to get back on our Community Case Study (400-plus families is no joke-i haven't slept peacefully since last week).

um what else...what else...

  • oh yessss! i got exempted from my Physics finals last thursday. *ogles* words "I" ,"exempted" and "Physics" in a single sentence. I rock. haha.
  • I am now the unofficial over-all-leader for the case study. Hershey wll be joining me pretty soon.
  • Will have battery exams in Monday *shivers*
  • Uber-wishing Genius Jetroy and I will be in the same group for NCMs (please, please, please)
  • missed out two-weeks of art lessons *sigh*
  • first time, out of "block love", that i genuinely felt terrible that a big part of the class has flunked on their Organic Chemistry and Physics. I honestly dunno what to tell Dominic a while ago.
  • Got an e-book this week (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time---anyone interested and i'll mail it to ya :D)
  • I got a license! mwahahahahaha!
  • I sang in front of people( they were just around four...) and felt good about it!
  • gotta be my most unforgettable semester
  • looking forward to summer NCM
seofchnfcqehfiuehgwghwsdfasdfafadtnwtp------> for even trying to handle multitasking : P

0 comments | Thursday, March 10, 2005

i did this for mom but before i could show it to her she was telling how wonderful it would be if i could work on "flowers" for a theme. so i'm giving this instead to our refrigerator. it now has got a happy fridge door! how i really hope it's happy.. hehe

i've been really busy. the amount of my wokload plus the time pressure not to mention our upcoming battery exams is killing me bit by bit. (the why in the world am i still giving way to drawing!? it a coping mechanism for stress i guess..) wish me--not luck but a healthy state of mind. and happy thoughts. i can't afford any kind of upset.

didn't know that such great heights was originally from the postal service. i * hearts* their version!!

0 comments | Wednesday, March 09, 2005

still on felts. soo "elementary" as ms. dizon would put it. i could go on and on with the pink+yellow+orange swirls but my sticks aren't ready to "go" yet. i messed up the silhouttes since i started working on it first before the background...so stupid...it would've been avoided if i got my common sense working on that piece. yet for the first time i got a feedback (AT LAST!) from mr. de guzman. and it was a positive one :D he said that I got just the right speed to handle on-the-spot outdoor drawings and encouraged me to try it some time. heeh. aww, shucks. nah, i don't think i'll be up to it. 'cause first--i don't think i'll be fond of an audience hovering behind me (which is bound to happen according to him) and still keep focus. plus, there's just not enough "inspiration" from city sceneries. but it's nice to know that mr. de guzman had put confidence on what i can do.

0 comments | Tuesday, March 08, 2005

for sarah,
just as requested.. " Any color, so as long as it's black."